The Winner of the off-festival vienna 2014 is Gerald Henzinger with his project „Unvoluntarily Settled”. During the exhibition opening “People Now” he received his off-festival award and his prize money of 1.000€.
“Unvoluntarily Settled” is a photo project about the Ayoreos, the native people of the Gran Chacos in northern Paraguay, who were ripped out of their homes with the promise of a better life. Gerald Henzinger documented this lost people in search of a new identity and place in society, which convinced the Jury consisting of Michael Weinwurm, head of the professional photographers Vienna, Gerhard Hinterleitner, head of cyberlab, Mag. Eva Königseder, Dorotheum Photography Department, Roberto Muffoletto, Director VASA and VASA Europe and Dusan Kochol, director off-festival Bratislava.
The photo project “Café Entropy” by the French photographer Alain Barbero, the author Barbara Rieger and the translator Sylvie Barbero-Vibet became second, while the transnational project “Wireless – Bezdratove” from the Fotoschule Wien and the Fotoškola Brno lead by Evžen Sobek and Markus Hippmann regarding the subject of “25 years since the fall of the iron curtain” in cooperation with the lower Austrian initiative of Photo- and Mediaart FLUSS became third.
The off-festival Vienna will take place in November 2015 and is dedicated to the subject “Retro”. You can submit any photography project that looks at the past creatively or in regards to content.