Landscape meets architecture

Photoexhibition Landscape meets architecture
Friday, 01.06.2018, 7pm, Galerie Fotoschule Wien, Rechte Wienzeile 85, 1050 Wien
Opening hours:
Montay until Wednesday, 4-6pm
Admission free.
Photoexhibition Landscape meets architecture
Friday, 01.06.2018, 7pm, Galerie Fotoschule Wien, Rechte Wienzeile 85, 1050 Wien
Opening hours:
Montay until Wednesday, 4-6pm
Admission free.
Photography by Stephan Doleschal
Photography Exhibition in the Gallery PhotoSecession
Gallery PhotoSecession, Rechte Wienzeile 85, 1050 Vienna
Book presentation and Opening: Friday, 16.06.2017, 7pm
Thursday, 28.09.2017, 5pm
The photographer is present in person.
Admission free.
Photography by Markus Hippmann
Photography Exhibition in the Gallery PhotoSecession
Gallery PhotoSecession, Rechte Wienzeile 85, 1050 Vienna
Opening: Friday, 18.11.2016, 8pm
Opening Hours: 19. - 30.11.2016; Monday to Wednesday 4 - 6pm
Admission free.
Photography by Markus Hippmann
Photography Exhibition in the Gallery PhotoSecession
Gallery PhotoSecession, Rechte Wienzeile 85, 1050 Wien
Opening: Monday, 23.11.2015, 7 PM
Opening Hours: 24.11. - 03.12.2015
Monday to Thursday: 4 - 6pm
Admission free.
Photography by Katka Pračková
Photography Exhibition in the Gallery PhotoSecession
Gallery PhotoSecession, Rechte Wienzeile 85, 1050 Wien
Opening: Monday, 24.11.2014, from 7 PM
Opening Hours: 25.11. to 04.12.2014
Monday to Thursday: 4 - 6pm
Admission free.
Photography by Maria Frodl
Photography Exhibition in the Gallery PhotoSecession
Gallery PhotoSecession, Rechte Wienzeile 85, 1050 Wien
Opening: Monday, 24.11.2014, from 7 PM
Opening Hours: 25.11. to 04.12.2014
Monday to Thursday: 4 - 6pm
Admission free.
Photography by Markus Hippmann
Photography Exhibition in the Gallery PhotoSecession
Gallery PhotoSecession, Rechte Wienzeile 85, 1050 Wien
Opening: Monday, 24.11.2014, from 7 PM
Opening Hours: 25.11. to 04.12.2014 Monday to Thursday: 4 - 6pm
Admission free.
Photography from Ritchy Pobaschnig & Sonja Bachmayer
Photography Exhibition in the Gallery PhotoSecession
Gallery PhotoSecession, Rechte Wienzeile 85, 1050 Wien
Opening: Friday, 7th November 2014, from 8pm
Opening Hours: 10th - 20th November 2014
Monday to Thursday: 4 - 6pm
Admission free.
Photography from Hans Hochstöger & Arnold Pöschl
Photography Exhibition in the Gallery PhotoSecession
Gallery PhotoSecession, Rechte Wienzeile 85, 1050 Wien
Opening: Friday, 13th June 2014, from 8pm
Opening Hours: 16th - 26th June 2014
Monday to Thursday: 4 - 6pm
Admission free.
Photography from Ira Alaeva
Photography Exhibition in the Gallery PhotoSecession
Gallery PhotoSecession, Rechte Wienzeile 85, 1050 Wien
Opening: Friday, 16th May 2014, from 8pm
Opening Hours: 19th - 28th May 2014
Monday to Thursday: 4 - 6pm
Admission free.